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Hello world !

I'm Esther Nyamekye. a Product Designer a Freelancer a User Xplorer.

I transform ideas into seamless experiences.


Here is a glimpse of my identity

I enjoy using innovative problem-solving techniques, eye-catching visual designs, and a user-focused approach to offer impactful products and digital solutions. I love improving the good and making the better great!

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My Projects

Each design in my portfolio represents a unique journey of problem-solving and creativity. These projects demonstrate my capacity to strike a balance between aesthetics and usefulness while placing a significant emphasis on user-centered design concepts.



A powerful and intuitive dashboard that streamlines invoicing processes, enables seamless employee payments, and efficiently manages client and employee data.


A Mobile App designed to serve as a marketplace for pre-owned books and as a platform for individuals to feature and seek funding for their educational programs.


Globeties, is a simple, intuitive, convenient and easy to use international money transfer app.



A social media marketing site which gives business owners direct access to credible professional social media influencers to work with while granting influencers a means to connect with clients.

Get in touch

I love collaborating and working on meaningful projects with creative and inspiring people.

Let’s Work Together

Shoot me a message, let's create magic together.